Ingwaz can be written in two ways :
- Divinity : Ing
- Letter : NG as in "long"
- Symbol : Seed
- Element : Water and Earth
- Tree : Apple tree (Malus pumila), Hawthorn (Crataegus) , Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana)
- Plant : Heart-of-the-earth ( Prunella vulgaris )
- Stone : Moonstone, amber
- Color : Yellow, brown, green and black (colors of the nature and the earth)
- Animal : The billy goat, Freyr's animal and symbol of fertility
The twenty-second letter of Futhark is Ingwaz. This rune represents Ing, the god of the fertility and the creative act. Due to its shape Ingwaz indicate that this potential is interiorized, concentrated and introverted as a seed which possesses in her all the elements to develop a complete and organized life. However Ingwaz has to hatch to realize this potential. Still in gestation, Ingwaz carries with it all the energy of life. Thus Ingwaz symbolizes the rune of the concentration of the creative power just before its full appearance. Outbreak which takes place in the last two runes Othalaz and Dagaz.
That is why Ingwaz is the rune of the coherence, the building, the functional organization and the realization.
Divinatory value : The beginning or the end of a cycle. Realization of a dream, of ideas or of new projects in gestation. Things are set up. Interiorization. A dream which goes out.
Spiritual value : Reached a harmony and balance stage which will continue or not in the time, the researcher has to balance in himself the powers of the ice and fire governing the universe, to reach a life of happiness.
Physiological value : Strengthens the functions of genital organs. Energy.
Wisdom guidance : " To grow and develop, it is necessary to gather all the essential elements to the construction of your project. Every creation needs a gestation period."
Rune of the day Jan 24- Isa
- Divinity : Verdandi
- Letter : I
- Symbol : Ice
- Element : Water as ice
- Tree : the Alder ( Alnus glutinosa )
- Plant : Stinking nightshade ( Hyoscyamus niger )
- Stone : Tourmaline needle shaped
- Color : white, black
- Animal : The Seal and the Polar bear
Isa, literally "ice", is stalactite shaped which because of its straight and fixed port symbolizes all which is static. This rune serves to block thanks to its static resistance all which is in movement or liquid. As the glacier moves forward inexorably thanks to its huge strength and breaks everything on its trajectory, Isa acts as an iceberg: the small visible proportion is treacherous because it hides tremendous resources which act much more in depth than what we imagine.
Isa is a natural force hating the life and fighting against it. It represents the Thurses, the enemies of the gods (the Ases).
Isa, the rune of ice, is also the one of the crystallization. The Self refocuses on itself to find itself, and become an autonomous and independent entity. This rune allows to see things under a different angle during a voluntary pause or not. Isa also symbolizes the loneliness whom each of us sometimes can feel.
Divinatory value : Difficulties to progress, period of loneliness. Egoism. Break caused by a lack of energy.
Spiritual value : Isa symbolizes the transition of the Truth's researcher from a state to other one. It also represents the permanent conflict of the ice against the fire whose speaks the Scandinavian myth of creation.
Physiological value : Influence on the skin, the nerves and the head.
Wisdom guidance : " Don't be afraid of asserting what you really are and what is unique in you. To do that, you must listen to yourself in order to be structured harmoniously."
Tarot of the Day Jan 23, 2018
Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords represents nightmares, bad dreams and restless sleep or anxiety. We are finding it difficult to remain relaxed and to enjoy the present. Fears of money, the future or past pain and disappointment linger around you, serving no other purpose other than to keep you stuck and unable to enjoy the present. Focusing on negativity only attracts more negativity and what you choose to see in life will be what you get more of. Focus on the blessings in your life and let your inner strength guide you to create a better a more positive situation for yourself.
Tarot Reading Jan 22,2018
Card 1: How you feel about yourself »
You feel that despite the challenges you have been faced with in the past, present or future, you will find the strength and courage to succeed.
Whether you are recovering from ill health, a broken marriage or relationship, or challenges at work, you will find the willpower to come out on top.
If you are looking to give up any bad habits, such as smoking or drinking for example, this is a good time to do it.
Card 2: What you want most right now »
The High Priestess
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is for a secret to be revealed - a secret held deep within yourself or another.
Go within and listen to the still small voice of your heart and instincts. The appearance of The High Priestess tells you that the power of the divine feminine is with you - trust it.
Card 3: Your fears »
Wheel of Fortune
You are in fear of everything taking a turn for the worst. Perhaps you are experiencing a run of bad luck. You have to trust that most of what we fear never happens and just as The Wheel of Fortune turns downwards against you, it will naturally turn upwards again and bring new good fortune with it.
This difficult phase will pass.
Card 4: What is going for you »
The World
Success, fulfillment and conclusion are near at hand - the successful outcome to a venture, satisfaction in a relationship and efforts rewarded.
This culmination of events indicates material wealth and greater spiritual awareness. You may choose to buy that dream house or a wonderfully fulfilling relationship is on offer.
Card 5: What is going against you »
The Hanged Man
You are allowing yourself to be victimised and emotionally blackmailed by others or you're playing the martyr or victim to try to manipulate others.
Don't be too materialistic or try and hang onto someone or something for all the wrong reasons.
Someone or something has to go. You must find the ability to let go and give this up - don't worry it will turn out for the better for you.
Card 6: The likely outcome »
The Lovers
Love is coming into your life even if you really can't see where from at this time.
If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your life.
If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to make - go with your heart, take the risk. Greater happiness is ahead of you
Universal 6 Card Spread by LT
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