A Celtic Witch is a Witch who has roots in the Celtic and Irish ways and practices the Celtic system of magick, celebrating the festivals or Sabbats,Living honorably as possible
Celtic Witch’s follow the Celtic Pantheon - the list of Gods & Goddesses worshiped by the ancient Celts. But to be a Celtic Witch is much more than that. Respecting the history, mythology, traditions and holidays of the ancient Celts - and learning from them, then converting them to fit todays lifestyles are important parts to being a modern Celtic Witch.
Celtic Paganism is based on Earth - meaning almost all the beliefs and practices - and Elemental Spirits - the elements, spirits, psyche. Ancient Celts had a vast knowledge of the magickal properties of herbs and roots and used them in both healing and magickal practices. This allows the Celtic Witch to work magick into every aspect of daily life - from jewelry, to cooking to how they decorate their homes and interact with people.
Celtic Paganism is also Polytheistic - meaning a Celtic Witch believes in many Gods/desses. There is the Great Mother, Danu, who is the most powerful, but all other deities (much like candle colors, gems, scents, etc) have their own magickal associations. Because each deity has their own associations there was not much distinction of importance between male and female deities (Danu excluded), however the female deities often have more accessible associations to daily life - Deities were also believed to appear at any place and any time.
As the most important (powerful) Deity to a Celtic Witch is Danu and the fact that Goddesses were readily available or accessible - women in ancient Celtic societies were revered and treated better than in other ancient societies - for instance women could become warriors and warrior queens as well as mothers. Don’t get me wrong, their life was still oppressive, men still ruled the roost, but they didn’t treat the women as bad as the Romans or Greeks.
Along with following the general traditions, many modern Celtic Witches also follow this path to becoming an active Celtic Pagan Practitioner - After initiation into Celtic Paganism, one begins a journey to discover their Warrior Self and how that self can aide their spiritual developent. Therefore the Celtic Warrior is equivalent to a beginner to intermediate Celtic Pagan. The Shaman is the second stage of Celtic Paganism. They are the healers and diviners, learning to use the interconnectedness of the universe fro each persons benefit. Therefore they are teh intermediate to advanced level of Celtic Pagan. Finally, there is the Druid. They are the Priests and Priestesses of the Celtic Pagan Path. They are all of the other two designations (warrior and healer) as well as diviners and teachers. See additional posts for further development into these catagories.
Differences between Wicca and Celtic Paganism?
Quite obviously Celtic Paganism follows the Celtic Pantheon. Where one can be a Wiccan and call upon the Celitc Pantheon - this does NOT make one a Celtic Witch. There are marked differences between Wicca and Celtic Paganism. Some of these differences are:
Wicca assigns the sun a male deity - Celtic Paganism has both a male and female deity associated with the sun.
Wicca is (mostly) Duotheistic whereas Celtic Paganism is Polytheistic.
Most Wiccans set up a permanent sacred space - or use the same space for each ritual. Due to a Celtic Witch’s connection to the land their rituals can be performed anywhere.
Wicca does not require the understanding of mythological stories or elements in their magickal practices while Celtic Paganism does.* Wicca does not require a connection to ancestors or the land (many Wiccans chose to honor the land and their ancestors, but it is not required).
Probably the most important difference between Wiccan and Celtic Paganism is Wicca follows a “An it harm none” Law - Celtic Paganism does not. Instead of this law Celtic Pagans follow a Values System. The Celtic Values are the following:
Honor (oineach): If you have Honor (personal honor) then people will respect you and you can make a difference in the lives around you.
Loyalty (tairise): Steadfast. Unchangeable - people can rely on you to always believe and act the same way - also you will not change your mind once you have given an oath.
Hospitality (aiocht): Helping people who are not related to you is an important aspect of the Celtic Witch.
Honesty (indracus): Integrity, openness, guilesness, friendliness in dealing with people.
Justice (coir): Brehorn Law is the ancient justice system (often ruled by druids) Ancient Celtic laws were all about comparing behavior with a cosmic rightness - you know whats right and wrong.
Courage (meisnech): Maintaining control no matter the situation; being able to see all sides of an issue, and all solutions.
Courage (meisnech): Maintaining control no matter the situation; being able to see all sides of an issue, and all solutions.
My Path
GrayWitchery of the Threeway
The Three Ways are Devotion, Balance and Transformation..It is continuous as the wheel keep cycling, and the moon keeps Her cycles always moving never ending. My Mother is the Morrighan.. Although at times and seasons I am called to serve Hekate..Witchcraft is the poetry of the land, it rises up from the darkest depths, infernal and serpentine, and winds its way through our bones and blood.My Witchcraft is spontaneous, poetic, artistic, wild. yet calm. I walk the old and dance with some of the new, , My Craft is eclectic not bound by tradition of man, I am ever learning and ever teaching,I am passionate,sensitive,fierce and severe. I am as my Matronsare I ride the Dragon, honor the fae, respect the spirits, Awaken in the Night, become sleepy during the day,My Familiar is my pet Raven and Crow are my guides and there are a few more.My Balance is between Night and Dark, light and dark, positive and negative, blessings and cursing ( Which I rarely do) I embrace both sideds of the coin of magick the yin and yang, It is natures way,
I am as of present being drawn to my roots of Celtic- Irish Paganism and Magick I have been feeling the air of Morrigu of much of Winter and Her Crows who have made homes in trees surrounding my home. Most day I am greeted by Caws. A year ago or so about I took DNS as I am adopted a closed one and found out my blood roots which is funny my mom adopted is or has Irish polish blood. I feel a renewal in this year a reconnecting with Morrighan who this year seeing as my True Mother Goddess.One day will write share my journey. I do have bad eyes even with glasses so please excuse my typing.
I am Lady Shadow
What is ITW?
Irish Traditional Witchcraft:
Many wiccans – especially Irish wiccans – will tell you point blank that there is no such thing as “Traditional” Irish witchcraft. Or they will tell you that Wicca is traditional. Or they might say that they are not wiccan, but will proceed to talk about Covens and invoking the goddess Mainly though they will be at pains to dismiss any notion of an indigenous Irish Tradition of Witchcraft – in particular a living tradition.
This is simply because most of them have gleaned their “witchcraft” – and I use the term very loosely – from the pages of wiccan self help books. If they realise that they have replaced their own heritage with this dross they might have to do something about it. It threatens the general belief that “anyone can be a witch” but it really becomes an untenable proposition for these people when they realise that it also threatens their “Unsubstantiated Personal Gnosis” ie the fact that they attribute all kinds of imported and eclectic rubbish to Irish Pagan Gods under the Banner “It’s my interpretation” (Personal Gnosis is a posh way of saying I made it up)
But greatly as they dislike it and deride it and decry it Irish traditional Witcchraft does exist. It always has.
Points to remember about ITW
Irish Witchcraft traditions are not religious. Witchcraft is an occult art not a religion. People who think witchcraft is a religion are called “wiccans” or in some cases “satanists”. Witches can be any religion they want. It’s an art.
Sorry to labour the point but…well, it really can’t be stated enough. Witchcraft predates Wicca by just about the entire history of man’s existance. Every culture, society and tribe has had its magicians, witches, and sorcerors. Gardeners mixture of Medieval ceremonial magic, freemasonry and bad folklore/history is not witchcraft, is merely a footnote in the history of magic and witchcraft. No, witches weren’t really pagans, nor is it a mystery religion or an ancient cult of womanhood. Get a grip.
Ability Counts
Irish witchcraft Traditions have their roots in the Filí and Druidic heritage, but also in generations of actual folk practice. Understanding and exploring the more esoteric and intellectual heritage is a must, if you want to practice a culturally rooted tradition. But it’s not the be-all-and-end-all by any means. It’s merely an interesting intellectual interest if you don’t have the ability to actually practice witchcraft.
Witches are indeed born – unless you have that latent spark within you, you are not a witch.
Don’t get het up about it! I am never going to be a concert pianist and I can’t act for toffee. Some, many in fact, will never be witches. That doesn’t mean you can’t have magic in your life, or that you can’t be pagan because you aren’t a witch *bangs head off deask* or that you can’t appreciate magic and witchcraft. It just means you will never be a witch. You either have the ability or you don’t.
If you do, you have to practice, train and hone your skill. Otherwise you’ll be a mediocre, hit and miss kind of practitioner.
Being Irish…
You don’t have to be Irish by birth to be interested in Irish Traditions. What you must do however is respect Irish heritage, history, and culture. ITW is a culturally rooted tradition. It does not mix well with other traditions or eclectic practices. Divorce it from its roots and it becomes meaningless. It is not up for personal interpretation. It has a history and a context that is real. It is not a form of paganism. It is an occult art, rooted in ancient traditions.
But many people in recent years have come to Irish traditions from abroad, some becuase of family links and others out of nothing more than a feeling of interest in the subject. They have done as much as anyone to reinvigorate and preserve the tradition. Anyone who says that ITW is only for Irish people, or those with irish family links, is an idiot.
There are just some things that need explaining. Being “Irish” means being born in Ireland, being brought up for a substantial amount of time, during the formative period of your youth, in Ireland, or at the very least living for a long period of time in Ireland. Having a great grandaddy from Co Clare does not make you Irish. When you say to an Irish person that you are Irish, we will inevitably ask you what part of Ireland you hail from. When you say “New Jersey” or “Sydney” we think it’s very very strange. HONESTLY.
ITW is a small group of traditionaly minded people. Some from a family background: some interested parties; some just reluctant to see irish Traditions sink under the weight of wicca and new age misconceptions. ITW is a closed group, membership is strictly limited.
Do you agree or not A Witch is born? or Can anyone be a Witch? Many can learn the art of Magick but being a Witch is a life you are or are not. Learn when young or disscover as you age
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